Esure your password is difficult!
If you need some inspiration then check out this page Do you need a password manager?
Import existing passwords – Transfer passwords from chrome to keepass
Review iteration
Auto complete obfuscation
Consider plugins – convenience vs security
I’ve included a link to all the available plugins. Personally I opt for more security and less convenience and do not install any plugins. This is not to say they are bad as such however all good security principles and practices I looked for when choosing Keepass are not automatically applied to plugins too. For example Keepass is highly recommended has very good documentation regarding it’s audit available here
Double Click action
Depending on which field you double-click in the entry list (main window), different actions are performed:
- Title field: open the entry editing dialog for this entry.
- User name field: copy user name to the clipboard.
- Password field: copy password to the clipboard.
- URL field: open URL.
- If you hold down the Shift key while double-clicking, the URL is copied to the clipboard instead. This behavior can be reversed by turning on the option ‘Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them’.
- Notes field: copy notes to the clipboard.
- Attachment field: [1.x] copy to clipboard, [2.x] open in internal editor / viewer.
- Other fields (like time and UUID fields): copy the contents of that field to the clipboard
Drag & drop – more secure than a plugin
You can open the website as long as you’ve input the URL in the Keepass database entry. Easily add them by copy & pasting for easier use next time. Right/joint click the entry and select URL, then you can either Open (using default browser), selct a browser or copy the URL so you can paste yourself
We can then drag the respective field acoss from the Keepass database entry to the relevant field on the website login page i.e. drag the username field from Keepass over to the username field in the websie login field
TIP: Use obfuscation option or tick if not configured already!
Load/Save From/To URL
KeePass supports FTP, HTTP, HTTPS and WebDAV. More protocols may be available on your system (if specific providers are installed).
The IOProtocolExt plugin adds support for SCP, SFTP and FTPS.
For an online storage that is not accessible via a standard protocol, you need a specialized online storage provider plugin.