Welcome to my website and thank you for visiting!
I am passionate about all aspects of tech, especially cyber security. I am thankful to the many experts who were willing to share their knowledge to me and I use my website, Youtube channel and Twitter to further share the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years. It’s very rewarding giving back to the community and I encourage you to share your knowledge too.
“Knowledge is the only commodity you can share without losing it yourself”
My particular areas of interest are in both Blue and Red team security activities. You may catch me on Bug bounty platforms using my alias #Cripkey.
I learn, teach and share strictly ethical activities only. It’s great to help as many people and businesses as possible to better protect themselves from online threats. #RedAndBlueTeam #KnowledgeIsPower #CyberSecurity
Feel free to connect on socials:
Medium – articles and write ups